Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Happy New Year!
Monday, December 22, 2008
BRRRRR is it cold enough...

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Stan had a wrestling tourney today. He just called and said they got 2nd place! They were pretty excited. The boys and I and Stan's parents went to the tourney and came home around 2 so the boys could nap. Once he gets home we are headed to my work Christmas party. We are going out to eat and then to a semi pro basketball game. Should be fun!
Hard to believe that Christmas is less than 2 weeks away! I have all the presents bought but very little wrapped. Something I don't totally enjoy doing. The boys have done well at leaving the tree alone this year. We have a little mini tree they are allowed to touch:)
Have a great rest of the weekend!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Adoption Update, Part 2
God bless and have a great day!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Adoption Update
We received an email from our social worker this week that there may be a few birthmoms that may want to look at our profile. Also she was going to send our profile to Missouri. This is more activity then we have had, so that is encouraging. Now we continue to wait. On January 28, 2009 it will be 1 year since our home study was approved. In the next month or so we'll have to work on getting everything updated to keep our home study current. Does anyone know what all is involved with that?
This Saturday is the first wrestling meet of the year. I'll have to post some pictures of the boys after Saturday. They are excited to go!
Our prayer requests would be for patience as we continue to wait and in updating our home study. God has a plan. We just need to be patient.
Thanks for your prayers and support!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
We had an absolutely amazing experience last weekend at the marriage retreat we went too. It was sponsored and put on by our church. It was a great experience for us and even though we had to be away from the boys for two days (which I am pretty sure that they did not mind at all since they stayed with uncle Brad and aunt Paige) we really enjoyed it. God really used the weekend to open our eyes and draw us closer together and be thankful for one another. We had an excellent group of people and felt really blessed to be there and be able to listen to others as well as spend some time alone. The one homework assignment we had from the weekend still needs to be completed. We were told that everyone needs to see the movie FIREPROOF as a couple, and we just have not had the chance to do that yet. Hopefully we will be able to some time. May have to be a late night showing, after the boys go to bed or something. But that presents a problem because then Abby has to stay awake! I am sure we will figure something out.
Tomorrow wrestling practice begins, so that brings a new level of business to our lives. But it is a really fun time of year and the boys love going to the meets and watching the guys wrestle and then going on the mats themselves if they get the chance. I look forward to it as well. Our team will be young, but it will be fun to see how the develop and grow as young men over the course of the year.
Please keep us in your prayers as we ask for continued patience from God as we wait. As Keegan told me earlier this week, "Dad we are waiting a really long time for the baby right!" Sometimes kids can be really blunt but it was really funny. We just pray that as we travel on this journy that we follow the path God has laid out for us. Thanks for your support!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Suggestions Welcomed
Have a great weekend!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Don't they look handsome...
Candy from Uncle Brad...
Hallelujah Party.....
The Vikings....
I couldn't find the boys in all the leaves...
Have a great week!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Bi-Weekly Update
The boys have enjoyed some of the nice weather this month by playing outside. The strong winds seem to blow all the neighbors leaves to our house! The boys enjoy playing in them.
Monday, October 13, 2008
When we got to the car dealership we found the car we had been looking at on the Internet. We left the boys in the car watching a movie and Stan and I got out and started looking at the car. A short while later a salesman started to walk over to us. I probably have a preconceived notion that salesmen can be devious and so I'm always a little skeptical. I can't say I've had a bad experience though, either. Curt, the salesmen, came up to us and started small talk. He asked what we were looking for as he noticed our envoy and was probably wondering why we were looking at something larger. We proceeded to tell him that we had 2 boys and we were in the process of adopting our 3rd child and knew we would need more room. He said, Wow that is so cool. We are foster parents and have found it to be such a blessing.
Okay at this point it was like it was meant to be. God sent this wonderful salesmen to take care of us who understood our situation. He shared stories of his own 4 grown children. They currently are fostering a 3 year old and a 1 year old, both of whom they have had for around 15 months. The 2 kids think they are brother and sister because they don't know any different and how hard it will be when they are separated. The 1 year was recently placed in a family and the 3 years old mother had just terminated her parental rights. The family that adopted the 1 year old was also trying to get the 3 year to keep them together. I always admire people who open their hearts and their homes to the foster care system. They love those children for a short period of time and I'm sure become attached and it is probably hard to say goodbye.
So that's the cool part of the story. The Lord sent someone to help us along this journey. Another small step on this amazing journey.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Life and ..... a new car
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Flu...again
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
NWC Homecoming
Aiden trying to win a fish.
Family picture time!
What a crew!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Bumps, bruises and the flu
If anyone who reads this is interested, I'm having a scrapbook get together on Saturday October 4. Leave me a comment if you would like to come.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
No new news
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Busy, busy busy
We also made a trip to Des Moines to visit a college friend and enjoyed the Farmers Market and a trip to the library to learn about Monarch butterflies and of course shopping for mom:) We also attended the town celebration and the weather was just perfect.
Nothing new to report on the adoption front for ourselves. We did learn today that some friends we had met through Katelyn's Fund received a baby yesterday. How exciting! What a whirlwind for them. We'll keep everyone posted if we learn anything new. We know that our timing is not God's timing and we need to trust in his perfect will for the child he has for our family.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Summer Fun

Monday, July 14, 2008
Overdue Pictures!!

Keegan and Aiden taking it in from our seats!!
Dad, are you enjoying the buffet??

Burning some of that energy off at the hotel!!
As you can see we had a great time at St. Louis with just the four of us, even if it was only for the weekend. We look forward to some of the other vacations we can take with our families later on this summer, as we are truly blessed to have such wonderful extended families!