We had a great time last weekend at NWC's homecoming. Each year we get together with 4 other couples that we went to NW with. We are all married and have kids now. With all the kids it gets a little crazy at times, but oh so much fun. There are 9 kids total with Keegan being the oldest at 4 and then there 8 kids under the age of 3! It is fun to see them interact as many of them are the same age. At one point we all had children within 1 year of each other and they are all now 2 years old.
We attended Morning on the Green. The boys had a blast playing the games. After that we ate lunch and amazingly all the couples were able to get their children to nap at some point in the afternoon all in the same house, even if we used the bathroom:) We playing Four Square on the driveway in the afternoon, went to the park, and had Pizza Ranch at night. It was a great day.
Aiden trying to win a fish.
Family picture time!
What a crew!
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