We recently found out who our interim social worker will be and were able to schedule our home study update with her. We also need to have our medical forms updated. Bethany is hoping by the end of January to have another full time social worker hired. Once that person is in place, they will become our social worker. Still no word on any possibilities and we're unsure if our profile has or is being shown. Patience has become the word of the day. The definition in Webster's dictionary for patient is: bearing pain or trials without complaint; showing self-control; calm; steadfast; persevering. God's plan is perfect and He knows the time and the place that our baby will join our family. We just need to put our faith in Him.
Wrestling is in full swing and soon tax season will be also. It is easy to get caught up in the moment and forget the real reason for the Season. May each of you be blessed with a very Merry Christmas.
Here are some recent pictures:
God Bless!
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