Joselyn had her 4 month checkup on October 29. She weighed 13 lbs, 6.5 ounces and was 24 inches long. She has more than doubled her birth weight already. She's been rolling over since 3 months, loves her exersaucer, puts everything in her mouth, and has discovered her voice. The screech of a girl is definitely higher pitched than a boy:) She's doing well and right on track and even slightly ahead on a few things developmentally. What a blessing she has been to our family!
For Halloween I took the kids downtown to the local businesses on Friday afternoon and then on Saturday we hit a few places and went to a Hallelujah party in a nearby town and then pizza with friends and relatives. Keegan couldn't decide on what he wanted to be so on Friday he was Chewbacca and on Saturday he was Thomas the Train. Aiden was a Ghost (which is what Keegan originally wanted to be) and Joselyn was our little Pumpkin. Kids had a good time and there is still lots of candy left!
Wrestling starts next Tuesday. Keegan and Aiden are extremely excited for the season to start as well as Daddy! They were practicing their wrestling moves in the living room last night. It's a start to another fun but very busy season:)
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