Joselyn Grace Adeanna
We arrived home this afternoon safe and sound. Thanks for your prayers. We continue to ask prayers for the birthmom as she had a tough morning saying goodbye. What a day of different emotions. Joselyn has lots of dark hair and dark blue eyes. The boys adore her.
Congratulation's on your beautiful baby Girl! God is so good!! Praising God for answered prayers!!
God's continued Blessing's and Love!
The Van Voorst's
What a beautiful baby girl! Joselyn is such a blessing from God. Congratulations to all of you.
She is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing some of your moments from today! :) Happy Father's Day Stan! Can't get much better than that. We will continue to lift your family up in prayer as well as the birthmother.
The Breens
I tried to leave a comment before and it didn't work so I'll try again. We are so ahppy for you!!! What a wonderful Father's Day for all of you. She's beautiful and blessed to have you as parents and big brothers!! We are anxious to meet her. You are in our prayers.
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