I realized it has been some time since I've posted. As you can imagine life is a bit busier at home so updating the blog is one of the last things that crosses my mind. As Keegan says, "Mom we have a busy family." As I sit her and type Addison is asleep in my arms which makes typing a big of a challenge:)
Addison is doing well. She seems to be gaining weight. Hard to believe she is one month old already! She has become our night owl and likes to be awake from 8 p.m until Midnight. For this mom who needs/likes lots of sleep that has been a challenge. The nice part is if she goes to bed later she's only up once during the night so I guess I shouldn't complain.
We have our first post placement visit tomorrow with our social worker. Praying all goes well. We have a couple pieces of information/paperwork to fill out and then our home study, etc will be complete. It has been kind of weird doing the paperwork after the fact, not something I recommend!
Here are some pictures from the last few weeks:
All clean and ready for bed.
Sisterly love:)

Aiden riding his bike.