Sunday, August 30, 2009
I was very excited because I tried on Joselyn's baptism gown just now and it fits! It's exciting because it is the gown I wore 30 years ago for my baptism. Thanks Mom for keeping it! Baptism is next Sunday.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I realized that I haven't posted anything for a little while. Going back to work and school starting don't leave much time for blogging!
Keegan is loving school and asks every morning if he can go to school that day. I highly doubt that love and excitement will continue forever but it is fun at the moment. We had practiced all summer on writing his name correctly and he did pretty well with it. So he came home the 2nd day of school with a paper. At the top was his name however it was written backwards and all the letters were backwards. He decided to be "Funny". So that evening we practiced his name again! His teacher thought it was pretty funny when we told her about it. She was just excited because Keegan had attempted to put some letters on a page:)
Aiden got to start Sunday School this year at church and in his eyes it is Preschool. So every time we go to church whether it be to get something, actually go to church or to another church function he assumes he's going to Preschool. He absolutely loves Sunday School and would go every day if he could. He is having a hard time adjusting to life without Keegan at daycare in the morning and having this "new baby" thrust into his life. AKA we are having a few more potty accidents. I can honestly say this is the first bit of jealousy I'm seen from him since we brought Joselyn home. It will get better.
Joselyn continues to grow. I'm not sure what she weighs this week but she feels heavier and has finally outgrown her Newborn clothes and is wearing 3 month clothes! She is becoming much more alert and recognizes voices familiar to her and is able to follow our voices. She's pretty tight with her smiles and usually gives them in the morning. She has been sleeping amazingly well and last night even slept through the night! I couldn't believe it. My guess is she was worn out from going to the Football game so it probably won't happen tonight:) Her head control is very good so I got out the bumbo that my sister-in-law is letting us borrow. She did really well and actually enjoyed it for a little while.
Tonight is card club "aka social group" and tomorrow is church. We are having Josleyn baptized on September 6 so we'll be busy getting ready for that this coming week.
Have a nice weekend!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
2 month Checkup, Shots & 1st day of school
Joselyn had her 2 month check up today. She weighed 10 lbs 4 ounces and was 22 inches long! Much bigger than I had anticipated. She is growing well:) The not so fun part of the day was the shots. The first vaccine she got was for Rotavirus which is liquid. Well that did not go so well. Joselyn was not a fan and ended up throwing it all up all over herself. Some how I managed to escape the carnage! So we had to do it again and the 2nd time it stayed down. After that was 3 different shots. She cried really hard and turned red and then calmed down relatively quickly. She's been pretty lazy the rest of the day so tonight could be interesting.
We took pictures last night since she was 2 months old yesterday.
Keegan started TK today and he is super excited. We went to open house last night and this morning I was able to bring him to school which is a treat I don't get to do very often.
Keegan's teacher Mrs. M.
Keegan found his name on the table!
We found Grandma DZ's music room.
Pictures from this morning. It was raining so we had to take pictures inside.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Our New Nephew and Cousin
Here is a picture of one of my first days back to work:( Last week was hard and tiring. It's hard to get back into a routine and get back in the grove. So far this week is off to a better start. As long as Joselyn goes to sleep on time we are all much happier:)
I have to take Joselyn to the doctor on Wednesday so it will be fun to see how much she has grown.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Back to work
Today I went back to work for half a day to clean off my desk, check email and a variety of other things. I had tried to prepare myself all week for today but I knew it is never easy to leave your babies behind even when you know they are in loving, caring, capable hands. Stan and I both went this morning to bring the tribe. The boys were confused as to what was going on as that is not the normal routine. I teared up as we drove away and was pretty sad all the way to work. It was a long 30 minutes! I got to work and started up the computer and went to get some water. On the way ran into many co-workers and shed a few tears. So much emotion from the week. I can be an emotional person so for my co-workers to see me cry is nothing new. I knew it was going to be a hard week when I cried watching the Baby Story and the return of the American journalists from North Korea this week! I think back to when the boys were babies and the dreaded first day back to work. With Keegan I only took 4 1/2 weeks off and was a wreck when it came time to go back. I cried eating breakfast before I even left the house and I cried all the way to work and pretty much all morning! Then came Aiden. I was able to take off 8 weeks with him and by the end of that time I felt ready to get back into a routine. Shed a few tears but not near as many as with Keegan. Going back to work and leaving the kids behind will never be easy. If it was I wouldn't be human. Joselyn did great at daycare which I praying for:) Next week it will be all day so it was nice to be able to ease into it (mainly for me).
Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Birth Announcements
I finally got around to getting Joselyn's birth announcements done and they turned out very cute. I got them done at Van Maanen's here in the town and used pictures from her 6 week pictures. I hope to get them sent out in the mail yet this week.

She has been sleeping great the past 2 nights. She's gone to bed around 10:30 or so and slept until 4 or 5 a.m. The baby rash she got 2 weeks ago is finally going away but now her ears are starting to peel like crazy which I can't figure out. I keep putting lots of lotion on so hopefully they get better soon.
Tonight we're going out to eat for Stan's birthday with my brother and his wife. Always a good time as we find new and different routes to take and places to see:) And of course Cold Stone is involved which I'm extremely excited about!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
One more week...
Today marks the start of my last week of leave. I have mixed emotions about going back to work. I will miss the kids a ton but am ready to get back into a more steady routine. I know there is work for me to do when I return so hopefully that can make the days go fast. I also enjoy my job, my coworkers and my work so that helps also. The in-home day care we have is wonderful. There are currently no other infants so that is good. I am going to bring Joselyn there Friday morning with the boys while I go to work to clean off my desk, etc. A short first day at day care will be good for Joselyn and for me! I'm sure there will be a few tears shed by all. I am so thankful that I was able to spend the last 7 weeks at home and also that Stan was able to be home as well.
I'm going to enjoy my last week home taking naps with Joselyn, finishing up a few projects I started at home while on leave, and hopefully shopping one day. I had intentions of doing more scrapbooking but that just didn't happen. I want to do Joselyn's Lifebook soon so I don't forget!
Have a great week!
I'm going to enjoy my last week home taking naps with Joselyn, finishing up a few projects I started at home while on leave, and hopefully shopping one day. I had intentions of doing more scrapbooking but that just didn't happen. I want to do Joselyn's Lifebook soon so I don't forget!
Have a great week!
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