Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Password is: baby
Have a great day!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The start of another week
Sunday night Joselyn slept from 10:30 to 6 a.m. I couldn't believe it. Well I didn't get my hopes up too high because last night she was awake until 1:30 a.m. Happy as can be, she just didn't want to sleep! Hopefully tonight is better. She continues to be a good baby. She broke out with a baby rash while on vacation so hopefully that goes away soon.
Last night I went to an adoptive mom's support group meeting which I really enjoyed. It was nice to visit with others who have or are going through the adoption experience. We discussed Lifebooks so it was nice to get perspective on that.
We had Joselyn's 6 week pictures taken today. We did a couple with all 3 of them and then Joselyn alone. They turned out really good. I'll try to get a link posted later but I don't have the password yet.
We also had our first post placement visit today. Things went well. We sent a few more pictures along with the social worker to give to the birthmom and I have more yet to be developed to share with her as well along with the 6 week pictures we took today.
I go back to work on August 10 so I'm trying to enjoy these last few days at home! Tonight we're taking the boys on a bike ride which is something we haven't done since we took Joselyn home. Joselyn is going to stay with Grandma as we can't quite fit her and Aiden in the burly just yet:)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Bridges Bay 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
1 Month Old
Monday, July 13, 2009
DZ Family Okoboji 2009
Joselyn's first boat ride.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
St Louis Trip
Monday afternoon were naps and we headed to another baseball game Monday night. This time the weather was much cooler. Our tickets were in an all inclusive area and included hot dogs, brats, nachos, pop and water. The favorite part for the boys was getting to meet Fred Bird which is the Cardinals mascot. The game itself was pretty aweful (they lost 10 to 0) but we have a great time.
Tuesday we packed up and headed to Warrenton to do some shopping at an outlet mall. Then it was off to see my friend Amanda and her fiance Aaron. We stayed at Amanda's house and her and I and Joselyn got to go wedding dress shopping on Wednesday which was a lot of fun. After shopping we headed back home. It's great to be home again but not enjoying all the laundry! They boys did great on the trip as long as they were fed, had a movie to watch or toys to play with. Joselyn also did great but now that we're home is sick of the car seat. I would be to after 18 hours round trip.